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How to set header line repetition in Spreadsheets

Set Header Line Repetition in Spreadsheets

When we use WPS Spreadsheets to print a long table, we can’t see the header line in the second page. If we can’t see the header line in every page, we have to refer to the header line in the first page all the time, which is very inconvenient for us. Thus, the following steps will show you how to set header line repetition so that you can see the header line in every page and help you complete work efficiently.

Step 1. Open the WPS Spreadsheets, and open a sheet.

Step 2. Choose the Page Layout tab, and click it.

set header line repetition

Step 3. After we click the Page Layout tab, there is a connect menu. And then click the Print Titles tab.

set header line repetition

Step 4. After clicking the Print Titles tab, it will pop-up window. Find the Rows to repeat at top in this window.

set header line repetition

Step 5. Fill out the Rows to repeat at top, and choose the header line you want to repeat in the sheet. For example, “ $1: $1”, as shown in the picture. Finally , click the OK tab.

set header line repetition

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