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Introduction on View Modes In WPS Presentation

Multiple types of view mode for users to view and edit the the slides in WPS Presentation. There are normal viewSlide Sorter ViewNotes Page View,  Reading View,  Slide Master. Different view modes show different features. Users can make a choice according to their needs.

Normal View:

This is a default view in WPS Presentation. There are three panes in this view. The Outline and Slides tabs are on the left. You can switch outlines and slides through the thumbnails.

To switch to the normal view, go to View tab >  Normal normal view

view modes in wps presentation

Slide Sorter View

You can use Slide Sorter View to organize, review, rearrange, and set timing and transitions for your slides. This is an exclusive vie and slides are shown as thumbnails.

The way to switch Slide Sorter View are shown as below:

Step 1. Go to View Tab > Slide Sorter button. Or click the Slide Sorter View button at the bottom of the window.

Step 2. The slide sorter view will be shown:

view modes in wps presentation

Notes Page View: You can see how your presentation will be looked when printed out with notes. Each page will contain one slide and speaker notes. At the same time, you can edit yur presentation in this view.

view modes in wps presentation

Reading View: Play your slide show in the WPS Presentation window to see animations and transitions without switching to a full screen slide show.

view modes in wps presentation

Slide Master: Open slide Master view to change the design and layout of the master slide.

view modes in wps presentation

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