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Change the Default Font in WPS Writer



1. Use WPS Office to open the document, head to the Home tab > Settings > Fonts, or use the shortcut Ctrl+D.


2. In the pop-up dialog box, suppose we want to set the default font to the following formats: Calibri, Italic Font style, Font-size:14, Font color: Chocolate, Accent 2. We can customize the settings according to our needs. 

PC font1.gif

3. Click Default in the lower-left corner, then your settings will be remembered by the system. Next time, when we create a new document, the font settings of the text will be set based on our last settings.

PC FONT2.gif

Tips: To begin using the new default font and font size, you must restart WPS Writer.

Note: When some fonts can't be displayed, please save the fonts in the system font library firstly, the path C:\Windows\Fonts.

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