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How to Change Text Case and Capitalization

In WPS Office Writer, You can change the capitalization, or case, of selected text in a Word document by clicking a single button on the Home tab called “Change Case”.

How to Change Text Case and Capitalization

Click the “Change Case”, and there is a window pops up.

How to Change Text Case and Capitalization

- To capitalize the first letter of a sentence and leave all other letters as lowercase, click Sentence case.
- To change all the letters of a sentence or text to lowercase, click Lowercase.
- To capitalize all the letters of a sentence or text, click Uppercase.
- To shift between two case views (for example, to shift between Toggle Case and the opposite, tOGGLE cASE), click Toggle case.
- To capitalize the first letter of each word and leave the other letters lowercase, click Title case.

Note: to change case settings, you have to select the phrase, sentence or paragraph that you want to edit, then select the case option and hit OK.

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