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How to Create Hyperlinks in WPS Presentation

How to Create Hyperlinks in WPS Presentation

In WPS Presentation, you can create a link to a web page, a picture, or an email address. To use this function, follow the steps as below:

Step 1. Select text.

Select the text that you want to insert a hyperlink.

create hyperlink

Step 2. Click Hyperlink icon in Insert tab.

Click the Hyperlink icon in Insert tab and the Hyperlink dialogue box will open.

create hyperlink

Step 3. Insert Hyperlink in selected text.

In the Hyperlink dialogue box, the Text to display box is used to show the text that you have selected. Because we have selected a text in step(1), you can edit it directly.

Step 4. Select the type of hyperlink.

Select the type of hyperlink you want in the Link to tab.

1. Select the Existing File or Web Page option, you can choose the text or web page address that you want to link to on the right.

create hyperlink

2. Select the Place in this Document option and the title or bookmark name of the current file will appear in the box on the right. You can then choose the file position where you want to insert the link.

create hyperlink

3. Select the E-mail Address option. You can enter the E-mail address into the E-mail address text box and enter the E-mail subject into the Subject box, shown as below:

create hyperlink

Step 5. Click the Screen Tip button

Click the Screen Tip button at the top right corn and the Set Hyperlink Screen Tip dialogue box will open. You can enter the tips that you want to show when putting the cursor over the inserted hyperlink.

create hyperlink

Step 6. Viewing the result.

Click OK to complete this operation. The hyperlink you have inserted will be underlineed and in the color blue.

create hyperlink

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