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How to Find and Replace Text in Writer

Find and Replace Text in Writer

WPS Writer’s Find and Replace feature allows you to search for the specific text in your documents, such as words, phrases, even specific characters. If necessary, you can use Find and Replace Feature to replace text or phrases you needs. The tutorial will show you how to find and replace text in your document.

Find text

If you just want to find specific text, take the following steps.

Step 1. Click Home tab > Find and Replace > Find option in drop-down list. Or press < Ctrl+F >. It will pop up a dialog box.

Step 2. In Find what box, enter the text you would like to search for.

Step 3. If you have other needs, place a check mark in front of the options by clicking More button. Select the Find Next button to search.

find and replace text in writer

Step 4. Keep clicking Find Next icon until you see a Warn Tip with the message “WPS Writer has complete its search of Document” which indicates that Writer has finished searching your project.

find and replace text in writer

Step 5 Click Close to return to your document.

Find and Replace Text

Step 1. Click Home > Find and Replace > Find option in drop-down list. Or just press < Ctrl+H >.

Step 2. In Find what box, enter the text you would like to search for and replace. In Replace with box, input the text you would like to replace with.

Step 3. If you have other needs, place a check mark in front of the options by clicking More button.

find and replace text in writer

Step 4. Click Find Next, and then you can also do one of the following:

Replace - Replace the highlighted text.

Replace All - Replace all occurrences of the search text in document.

Find Next - Skip the current occurrences of the search text and proceed to the next occurrence.

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