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How do I propose template design requirements?

Failed to find a template you want in WPS Template Store? WPS Office supports customization of templates to meet your personal requirements.

You can make a template design request through the feedback portal of Templates.

1. Go to the feedback portal of Templates

Option 1: Open WPS Office and click New Tab in the top tab bar to open a new tab page. On the new tab page, click the dialog box icon in the lower right corner and select I can't find the template I want




Option 2: On the Templates page of WPS Office, click the dialog icon in the lower right corner and select I can't find the template I want.




2. In the pop-up dialog box, clarify such information as the template application scenario, theme, and style. Also, you're welcome to provide a reference style or schematic diagram.

(The more detailed the requirements are described, the more likely your design proposal will be adopted.)

3. Don't forget to leave your email address, so that we can notify you promptly when the template design is successfully launched.


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