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How to make a PivotTable in WPS Spreadsheets

Insert a PivotTable in a worksheet with Spresdsheets

PivotTables are dynamic tabulations which allow you to quickly combine and compare data to produce tailored information to suit your needs. In pivot tables, by rotating rows and columns, users can view details from different perspectives. So, PivotTable is a very powerful and useful features of WPS Spresdsheets.

To use the PivotTable function, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Select data

Select the data range from which you want to make the pivot table.

insert PivotTable

Figure 1 Select data

Step 2: Click the PivotTable icon in the Insert tab.

Click the PivotTable icon in the Insert tab and the Creat PivotTable dialogue box will open.

insert PivotTable

Figure 2 Insert Pivot Table

Step 3: Choose the place where you want to put the pivot table.

Because we have already selected a data range in step 1,so the next step we need to is just choose where we want the pivot table to be placed. There are two options offered, namely the New Worksheet and the Existing Worksheet, for you to choose where you want to place the pivot table in the Creat PivotTable dialogue box. Here we take New Worksheet as an example.

insert PivotTable

Figure 3 Choose New Worksheet

Step 4: Make the pivot table.

After selecting the New Worksheet, an empty pivot table will appear in the position you have chosen. First of all, we briefly introduce the newly created worksheet, which is divided into three sections: Spreadsheet Body, Field List and Pivot Table Areas.

insert PivotTable

Figure 4 The New Worksheet

Spreadsheet Body: Display the pivot report.

Field List: Display all the fields of your selected data.

Pivot Table Areas: You can drag the fields in the field list among the areas below. There are four areas illustrated in the following picture:

insert PivotTable

Figure 5 The Pivot Table Areas

Items presented in the Field List section can be dragged to the Page Area, Column Area, Row Area and Data Area in the Pivot Table Areas section. By moving these items to different areas, you can view them in different perspectives. By this way, you can analyze the detailed information contained in the data range.

Step 5: View the result.

After dragging the fields in the field list into the PivotTable Areas, you can see your pivot report. Show below.

insert PivotTable

Figure 6 The summary result


(1) You can drag fields out of the PivotTable Areas to delete any one and you can also drag fields up and down to adjust their position in the same data range.

(2) Click the Delete icon in the PivotTable Tools tab to delete the inserted PivotTable.

insert PivotTable

Figure 7 Delete Pivot Table

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